Create Your Gift Registry

Create a MyGiftList Gift Registry Today!

Create Your MyGiftList Wish List Gift Registry

Use our gift registry for any occasion at any store. Our public gift registry feature also lets you use MyGiftList as a wedding registry or baby shower registry.

If you’ve been looking for a way to simplify the gift-giving process, the MyGiftList Gift Registry is your dream come true. As a member of MyGiftList, you have access to valuable services that will allow you to take full advantage of the convenience online shopping has to offer.

We offer everything you need to organize your gift shopping and all of our gift registry services are FREE to members.

Use the MyGiftList gift registry and you will never forget an important occasion or purchase an unwanted or duplicate gift. Our tools make it convenient for you to be a Gift HeroTM.

Getting started with your MyGiftList Gift Registry is quick and easy:

  1. Complete your member profile.
  2. Create your personal, private gift registry – a list of gifts you would like to receive. You can link to the web site to make online shopping that much easier. You can even specify an occasion or a gift giver. This affords you more control over who views the items on your gift registry.
  3. Identify gift givers – friends and family members who purchase gifts from your gift registry. Be sure to include the people you shop for so that they will set up their own gift registry and share their gift wishes with you.
  4. Use our handy reminders to help you keep track of important dates and your to-do list.
  5. As you surf the web and find items you would like to receive, use the Add to MyGiftList button and automatically enter the information into your gift registry.
  6. Refer to the gift registries of your friends and relatives to make gift shopping easier. Soon, you’ll wonder how you ever managed all of the special occasions in your life before using our services.

The MyGiftList gift registry helps you give the perfect gift, every time.